~ Interview mit Gabriel Tapper ~
Zum äußerst erstklassigen Album ´Et Ex´ (siehe hier) von GÖSTA BERLINGS SAGA führten wir ein Interview mit Bassist Gabriel Tapper. Nachzulesen im englischen Originalwortlaut:
The fifth album in 20 years: would you say that this is your „best“ one?
Since you put best in brackets you know as well as that there’s so many other factors to define an album like that. It’s a great album in our ears. It’s an album that takes us one step further, it challenges both us and our average listener. It’s an album that we loved to record and we also love listen to it so yes, in that sense: It’s our best!
Signing to a new record label, means a new chapter in the band´s history?
For sure, but in essence we are still doing what we have been doing for a long time, which is creating music we love. We have released stuff on a swedish label, an american label and now InsideOut. It means a new chapter as far as we know that we are able to focus on our music and we can get the help we need in spreading our music around the world.
Your Progressive Rock is breaking new notes this time: Synthwave or already Cineastic à la John Carpenter?
Are your songs the new anthems for this decade?
Why not? Most of the old anthems are quite boring, aren’t they?
Yes, they are. Which music decade was more important: the 1970s or the 1990s?
Hard to tell. It’s so obvious but a bit boring to say the 1970s for many reasons. A lot of good music did come out during the 1990s as well. One of my fave bands Cardiacs released a bunch of great stuff during the 1990s. 1980s is a great decade as well, just to mess with your questions. Lots of my fave albums seem to be from 1981-1982. There’s something amazingly playful and adventurous happening in the grey-zone of rock and electronic music at that time.
Are KING CRIMSON gods or an ordinary band?
Not sure, but a great band regardless of their religious status!
Where and when can we see you on the stages?
Some swedish dates to begin with:
2/12 – Södra Teatern, Stockholm
18/1 – Plan B, Malmö
19/1 – Folk, Göteborg
After that, we have some small European plans as well. Stay tuned for more info!