~ Interview mit Terry Gorle ~
Ein neues HEIR APPARENT-Album war uns mehr als ein Review wert, gleich vier mussten es sein (siehe hier). Da das Interesse an dem Studio-Comeback um Mastermind Terry Gorle (59) groß ist, haben wir ihn gleich um ein kleines Interview gebeten. Hier unsere Aufzeichnungen im englischen Original-Wortlaut:
Terry, when did you decide to write and record another HEIR APPARENT album?
After finding a vocalist capable of doing the old material, and having some success with the anniversary shows in 2015 and 2016, there was interest in doing an album. So, we found a label that was interested and started writing.
How did you find the amazing new singer Will Shaw?
The band had been asked to play the 2015 and 2016 anniversary shows with the intent of having Paul Davidson sing, but Paul could not fulfil the task. We were on the verge of cancellation when Mike Gorham (who was going to be our vocalist in 2013 before withdrawing due to the time commitment) referred me to some YouTube videos posted by a guy named Will Shaw.
I sent Will a message in Facebook telling him about our situation with festival gigs, and he took on the challenge. Those shows were his first experience doing anything on this scale, and this is his first album. He´s done a great job, and it´s been fun to watch him develop as a singer and performer. He´s been on the fast track ever since.
Was it easy to convince your old fellows Derek and Ray to be a part of this reunion?
When Paul Davidson was unable to perform the anniversary shows, it was important to have as many original members as possible. With Derek and Ray performing those shows along with Will and Op Sakiya (who has been playing keyboards with me since 2004), it was natural to retain the line-up and see what we could do.
How did you get yourselves back into shape on your instruments after all these years?
Everyone has had their instruments over the years, and I have maintained a rehearsal room and a computer recording system since 2005, although it had not been regularly used.
What span of time do the new songs represent?
Most of these songs were written during the past two years. Some of the arrangements and final parts were written the same week they were recorded. Some of the ideas have been kicking around for a while as guitar parts with midi drums and keyboards, waiting for a chance to be finished with real musicians.
Are there some songs left for future records?
We don´t finish an idea unless it has merit as a good song, and these songs represented the type of diverse and comprehensive album we wanted to create. I strongly believe the most important aspect of any band´s success are the vocals, and I think we created a good foundation for Will to establish himself in this music. There are always other musical ideas.
So you’re completely satisfied with The View from Below?
We believe this is the best HEIR APPARENT-album in its production and continuity. We presented a wide musical scope to satisfy a wide audience with this album. We are testing the market as it stands today. Ray and Op have each written their first songs with HEIR APPARENT, and Will is in the process of creating his identity within this framework. This is a grand experiment, and we love the way it turned out. It feels like a complete band to me, which is all I´ve ever wanted from the beginning.
Nothing haphazard, no second guessing, no catering to radio or record labels or trends. This album demands attention. Put on your headphones and let it repeat 4 times in a row it creates its own anticipation.
Which topics are you dealing with in the lyrics?
Will wrote a majority of the lyrics on this album, and he is on the same wavelength with the philosophy of the band. Will has written lyrics that are often introspective, dealing with issues of religious delusion, the escape from oppression, futility, social torment, and a hope for peace.
´The View From Below´ is about every form of oppression, the struggle of individuals to collectively overcome the obstacles in a society designed to keep us in the dark.
Will we see you in Europe next year, maybe at some club shows around the Headbanger’s Open Air in july?
We will be over there sooner than you think.
And the next album will be out in…?
The audience will determine the future.