Interview with Nadir D’Priest
LONDON sind eine kalifornische Metal-Band, vielleicht DIE Hollywood-Band überhaupt. Einige ihrer Mitglieder wurden in anderen Bands wie Mötley Crüe, Guns N’ Roses, W.A.S.P. und Cinderella weltberühmt. Angeführt von ihrem langjährigen Sänger Nadir D’Priest, wollen LONDON auch in diesem Jahrtausend den Hollywood-Metal der Welt nahe bringen.
Bei einem Interview mit Nadir D’Priest möchten wir etwas in der Vergangenheit und der Gegenwart verweilen:
What was your turning point, as you grew up, or was it your fate to become a musician?
I loved Rock music as a kid started playing around with oil drums and tapping on cans and anything. I did not own a drumset, but as a kid my dada bough me a toy set which I destroyed on the same day I got it. The rest was just an unknown ride following a dream.
How old were you as you started playing in a band?
I was 16 years old when I started playing with a real band in Pasadena California it was called AZZAZIN. I was a drummer at that time so we did a lot of backyard parties around town.
Did you had musical idols?
Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Judas Priest, lots of English Rock bands which created a path in my head. I would listen to 8-track-tapes in my dads old Dodge Coronet 400 and dream BIG!
When did you first use Nadir D’Priest as your name?
I used it while I was in a band called VERTIGO around 1982 as I can recall it was a French last name that sounded good with my real name Nadir. 🙂
LONDON was formed in 1978. When and how did you join them?
I joined LONDON in 1984, I was asked by guitarist Lizzie Grey came and checked out my band at that time which was VERTIGO. I believe we met after and then was asked, if I wanted to be the lead seinger of LONDON I said Yes!
What band experiences did you had before, and which are the nicest moments to remember?
Experienced a few years with 3 different bands AZZAZIN, VVSI, VERTIGO and was fired from all three then eventually ended up in LONDON.
How famous was LONDON at this time in L.A. ?
LONDON was selling out shows at STARWOOD-Night Club and local gigs and continued through 80’s. We like to call it “Popular” not so much Famous. LONDON was around before most bands that had “Fame” … G&R, Motley Crüe, Poison, Dokken and many others.
Some call LONDON a transition band because so many musicians were in LONDON that became later famous in other bands. Was LONDON the nucleus of Glam and Sleaze Metal?
LONDON was the “Original Sunset Strip Players” a band “Lab” we find them and make them LOL! it was not G&R or any other local Hollywood band it was LONDON the band.
Nikki Sixx, Blackie Lawless or Slash and many others were in the band, before you joined. Do you know them personally?
I knew them during during the early years partied with Nikki Sixx at his house on Lookout Mountain Hollywood hills. Blackie I see him around in Hollywood and SLASH was in LONDON very short time. Izzy Stradling, Steven Adler, Freddie Coury played with us in LONDON not mention others that I won´t mention. The list is LONG.
Stupid question: Why did LONDON never really make it?
The Million dollar question! And that, my friend, I cannot answer at this time since LONDON is still playing and making records. Maybe the fans can help by buying our Vinyl and Cd’s since we don´t do downloads.
Maybe you were focused on local gigs too much …
We should have played WorldWide and that would have giving us more access to fans not including a decent record deal. I still believe in this band and I will take it out til the end or my demise.
Do you see a comeback of Glam and Sleaze Hardrock in the next years? Many northern Europe bands play this style nowadays?
I have no idea if it is making a comeback, I wish promoters would call me and books the real deal! LONDON.
Later you made the ´Playa Del Rock´-Album. Do you still like it?
LONDON ´Playa Del Rock´ is our best album on a “Production Level” that album still sounds great and is up to Radio standards. Very proud of our songs and end result. Thank you Producer Richie Podolor and Engineer Bill Cooper.
And 13 years ago you played with the boys of STEEL PROPHET. A great band, but did it work with you singing in this more progressive oriented metal band?
Oh, yes! STEEL PROPHET was fun, I had a lot of vocal work injected into that style, I had fun making the album. I sang all vocals at Steve Kachinsky’s house in a 2 car garage at about 99 degree temperature whiled slamming straight vodka to cool off, Lol!
Did you never think about joining a „real“ metal band?
Not really only if I was asked and I liked the music and melody which is very important.
What are your next goals with LONDON?
Gigs, new LONDON album for 2018 in the works now, and mixing it in Germany with famed guitarist/producer Dennis Ward, which will bring out the beef. I am looking forward to getting the mixes started. LONDON also plans to re-release ´Non Stop Rock´ and LONDON ´Don´t Cry Wolf´ is available from us on Ebay.
When will it happen?
Coming soon in 2018
Apart from the music – what does your life look like?
My life is busy with Family, Pets, Friends, Music and lots to do with my children. Yes, I do have a Life per say!
Live-Pics: 2017 Pre NAMM show at Yost Theatre