~ Interview with Bruno Masulli ~
Bruno, you have published a new EP on your own – again with wonderful songs. What do you think: why has no record-label interest in this EP?
Hi, thank you for your compliments. Well, after ´Limbus Animae´-Ep and the last concert to Wien I had a new change of line up! And start over again. Although we have received excellent reviews about ´Limbus Animae´, so many peoples and rewievers expect great things, but we did not have more contacts with our label but we did not stop. Unfortunately a self-financed album is not always possible. Anyway, this time we did not care to publish another EP for label, we wanted to release ´Fugit In Solitudine´ to “test the waters”, and these are hard times about labels and contracts. We are receiving excellent reviews about ´Fugit In Solitudine´ too and we’ll see what happens in the future.
Was it the idea behind the EP – to arouse the interest of record-labels?
Correct! It’s so hard to find a label who takes care of you in every way, anyway as I said we are receiving wonderful and interesting reviews and that’s important for us. You know, a band must act accordingly and go in their own way.
When will it be released?
´Fugit In Solitudine´ will be officially self-released, we do not have an exact date yet. It will be as soon as possible. However we are working on new album. So, we release new jobs when times are better for us, we decide what to do only when we will have some interesting opportunities and not bite off more than you can chew.
What’s your opinion about the music-business? Has it become more difficult for you in recent years?
If nobody helps you to meets the costs, if there are no other resources, it becomes all more difficult, anyway it is trying to do the best you can.
Maybe you should do like others do, also only Do-It-Yourself? Or is it time that you devote yourself to only a few projects or just concentrate on one?
Well often I do “do it your self”. It depends on the situation or the opportunities that you have. Sometimes it is hard, sometimes it’s easier. I repeat, everything would be easier if we are given the best opportunities and I could not dedicate to a single project because all my bands and projects are important for me! Each project has its value, its space! Then, having many bands is not a limit! I concentrate to my projects with order and dedicating the time necessary.
You’ve recorded the EP almost on yourself. How is the situation with other musicians?
I often changed line up, you know IN AEVUM AGERE born as a One-Man-Band and most musicians who play in the band have never felt part of the band. They were momentary collaborations, both live and in the studio. After Wien, IN AEVUM AGERE changed again line up specially for the reasons I have already told you. Perhaps this is the real nature of this band or maybe I’m being too demanding! Maybe! Anyway as you can see, I do not stop. I do not feel special, I try to do what I can like any musician who wants to continue his journey, achieving your objectives! You see, the situation is not very bad, but probably I don’t find easily what I’m looking for.
Is the market-situation so bad for musicians in Italy?
In Italy, there are great musicians, great bands, and the products are often of excellent quality. There are small labels but can not do much for their bands, we know the story of the market crisis and that’s a worldwide reality! But it is also true that there are few places where you can play and this does not mean that you do not play at all! But there are here few possibilities for an underground heavy metal band to give always the best. For me It is in concert that an underground band creates its real market.
What are your plans if no label will release the new EP?
To go ahead anyway! Headlong! Until we have the new full length and then we’ll try for a good deal!
“Bruno … in the studio”, that’s what we often read on Facebook. What are you working on at the moment?
I go on my way, always working on new material for all my bands planning and new compositions, I invest a lot of time for music and I always try to do new things, new ideas bring new enthusiasm! It’s not always that easy, life is not always rosy, the difficulties and the obstacles make you grow, not stop and when i have new ideas I feel alive. I have not always planning and I don’t care that material will be of interest to anyone, I create my music with the same ease as I go running to make breath or training. Anyway, next plan is new album of IN AEVUM AGERE and continue the way taken with I Miti Eterni and Annihilationmancer and all my bands and projects.
Grazie, Bruno!
Thank you so much for your interesting questions.